Simulate an artificial image#
The goal of this notebook is to simulate an artificial image of a star field at RA=280 deg, Dec=0 deg. This will familiarize you with the data generating process of an astronomical image, especially help you understand how do bias, dark, read-out noise, and sky background affect the final image. At the end of this notebook, you will play with an interactive tool to simulate a realistic image of any given exposure time, sky background, read-out noise, bias value, dark current, and seeing condition. Have fun!
Basic statistics (covered in this notebook)
Knowledge about CCD, bias, dark, and flat frames.
We will learn
Understand the data generating process of an astronomical image
Point Spread Function and 2-D Gaussian function
World Coordinate System (WCS) and how to convert (RA, DEC) to (x, y)
How to write docstrings for your functions
%matplotlib inline
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from utils import show_image
# fix a random number generator
np.random.seed(42) # 42 is the answer to the Universe.
# We can beautify our plots by changing the matpltlib setting a little
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 18
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 80
plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 2
Show code cell source
import google.colab
IN_COLAB = False
if not IN_COLAB:
if not os.path.exists("../_static/ObsAstroData/"):
if os.path.isfile('simulate_star_cat.fits'):
print('Data is already there')
print('Download data')
Data is already there
Start: a blank image#
This is easy! We use np.zeros
to construct an array full of zeros. We will add signals and noises as we proceed.
synthetic_image = np.zeros([500, 500])
show_image(synthetic_image, cmap='gray')
<Axes: >
Read-out noise#
When we read out an image from a CCD, some small random noise is added to each pixel. This “read-out” noise follows a Gaussian distribution centered at zero. Typically you can find the “width” of this Gaussian in the CCD operating manual. For example, let’s assume that the CCD manual said the read-out noise is READ NOISE: 4e- rms
and the gain we used is GAIN = 2 e- / ADU
. This means that the standard deviation of the read-out noise is 4 electron per read-out. Read noise of a CCD is almost always given in electrons, but images are typically in counts (ADUs). To convert electrons to counts (ADUs), we have to devide the number of electrons by gain (electrons per count). Therefore, the standard deviation of read-out noise in counts is 2.
Below we write a function read_noise
to generate the read-out noise to be added to the blank image that we generated above. Note that each time you run this function you’ll get a different set of pixels so that it behaves like real noise.
def read_noise(image, amount, gain=2):
Generate simulated read noise.
image: numpy array
To which we add the read noise.
amount : float
The rms of read noise, in electrons.
gain : float, optional
Gain of the camera, in units of electrons/ADU.
noise: numpy array
The read noise frame
shape = image.shape
noise = np.random.normal(scale=amount / gain, size=shape)
return noise
noise_im = synthetic_image + read_noise(synthetic_image, 4, gain=2)
fig = show_image(noise_im, cmap='gray')
fig.set_title('Read noise', fontsize='20')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Read noise')
As we have already discussed in Calibration Frames, bias is a positive offset added to each pixel to make sure the counts are non-negative. If there is no this offset, as we see in the above image, some pixels are negative.
As shown in Calibration Frames, the bias value is roughly the same across the CCD, but there is still some spatial patterns including “bad” columns. To model such a bias, we create a uniform array and add some “bad” columns. Note that the bias is not a function of exposure time and does not have read-out noise.
def bias(image, value, realistic=False):
Generate simulated bias image.
image: numpy array
The image to which the bias will be added
value: float
Bias level to add, in counts.
realistic : bool, optional
If ``True``, add some "bad" columns with higher bias value
bias_im: numpy array
The bias frame
shape = image.shape
# This is the bias frame with the same bias value for all pixels
bias_im = np.ones(shape) * value
# Try to add "bad" columns
if realistic:
# We want a random-looking variation in the bias, but unlike the readnoise the bias should
# not change from image to image, so we make sure to always generate the same "random" numbers.
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)
number_of_colums = rng.randint(3, 9)
# Randomly select which columns are bad
columns = rng.randint(0, shape[1], size=number_of_colums)
# This will add a little random-looking noise into the data.
# This `col_pattern` is added to the global bias value to represent "bad" columns
col_pattern = rng.randint(0, int(0.03 * value), size=shape[0])
for c in columns:
# Here `c` is the index of "bad" columns
bias_im[:, c] = value + col_pattern
return bias_im
bias_only = bias(synthetic_image, 1100, realistic=True)
fig = show_image(bias_only, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Bias alone, bad columns included', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Bias alone, bad columns included')
Now create realistic bias frame by adding bias and read noise together.
Note that we did not include any cosmic rays.
fig = show_image(noise_im + bias_only, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Realistic bias frame', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Realistic bias frame')
Dark frame#
For modern cooled CCD, the dark current is typically very small (0.1 electrons/pixel/second or less). Dark counts in the function below are calculated by multiplying the dark current by the exposure time after converting the dark current unit from electrons to counts using the gain. Notice that the dark counts follow a Poisson distribution. So it will look noisy.
However, as we seen in Calibration Frames, some pixels as “hot” pixels. Their dark current is much larger than the other pixels.
The function below simulates dark current only, i.e. it does not simulate the read noise that is a part of any actual dark frame from a CCD.
def dark_current(image, current, exposure_time, gain=2, hot_pixels=True):
Simulate dark current in a CCD, optionally including hot pixels.
image : numpy array
The image array used to determine the shape of the dark frame.
current : float
Dark current, in electrons/pixel/second, which is the way manufacturers typically report it.
exposure_time : float
Length of the simulated exposure, in seconds.
gain : float, optional
Gain of the camera, in units of electrons/ADU.
hot_pixels : bool, optional
Whether to include hot pixels or not.
dark_im: numpy array
The dark frame, without read noise and bias
# dark current for every pixel. Real dark counts follow
# a Poisson distribution with lambda = base_current.
base_current = current * exposure_time / gain
dark_im = np.random.poisson(base_current, size=image.shape)
if hot_pixels:
n_hot = np.random.randint(5, 50) # number of hot pixels
y_max, x_max = dark_im.shape
# For a given CCD, the positions of hot pixels are not changing.
# So we set a random number seed to ensure we get the same hot pixels every time.
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)
hot_x = rng.randint(0, x_max, size=n_hot)
hot_y = rng.randint(0, y_max, size=n_hot)
hot_current = base_current * 100 # 100 times hotter than the base dark current
dark_im[(hot_y, hot_x)] = hot_current
return dark_im
dark_exposure = 900
dark_cur = 0.1
dark_only = dark_current(synthetic_image, dark_cur, dark_exposure, hot_pixels=True)
fig = show_image(dark_only, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
title_string = f'Dark current only, {dark_cur} $e^-$/sec/pix\n{dark_exposure} sec exposure'
fig.set_title(title_string, fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Dark current only, 0.1 $e^-$/sec/pix\n900 sec exposure')
Realistic dark frame is a combination of all of them: bias-only, read-out noise, and dark-only
fig = show_image(dark_only + bias_only + noise_im, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Realistic dark frame \n(with bias, read noise)', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Realistic dark frame \n(with bias, read noise)')
It looks quite real! However, we did not include any cosmic rays and flat field.
Sky background#
The amount of sky background depends on the atmospheric conditions (humidity, presence of light clouds, etc.), the light sources in the sky (the Moon) and lights from the surrounding area. It may or may not be uniform across the field of view. The sky brightness on Mauna Kea in the V band is \(\mu_V \approx 21.5\ \mathrm{mag/arcsec}^2\).
The function below generates a homogeneous sky background in the field of view. The photons from sky background also follow a Poisson distribution. The sky counts also scales with exposure time.
def sky_background(image, sky_counts_per_sec, exposure_time, gain=2):
Generate a flag sky background.
image : numpy array
The input image. Only its shape is used.
sky_counts_per_sec : float
The target value for the number of counts per second from the sky.
exposure_time : float
Length of the simulated exposure, in seconds.
gain : float, optional
Gain of the camera, in units of electrons/ADU.
sky_im : numpy array
The simulated image for the sky background.
sky_im = np.random.poisson(sky_counts_per_sec * gain * exposure_time, size=image.shape) / gain
return sky_im
sky_level = 0.5 # counts per sec
sky_only = sky_background(synthetic_image, sky_level, exposure_time=900, gain=2)
fig = show_image(sky_only, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title(f'Sky background only, {sky_level} counts input', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Sky background only, 0.5 counts input')
Nice! Let’s combine sky_only
with dark current, bias, and read-out noise to make our “sky” more realistic. This is how the image of clouds look like.
fig = show_image(sky_only + dark_only + bias_only + noise_im,
cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Sky, dark, bias, and read noise', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Sky, dark, bias, and read noise')
Add some real stars#
The images that we generated look quite boring so far. Shall we add some stars to it? Let’s do it.
In order to make it look very realistic, we prepared a catalog containing 307 stars around RA = 280 deg, Dec = 0 deg
from the Gaia mission. The catalog has the RA
, Dec
, and the g-band flux (g_flux
in electron/sec) of each star. There are three more things to do before we can inject these stars to the image:
We have to convert the sky coordinates
(RA, Dec)
of stars to image coordinates(x, y)
. This can be done using “World Coordinate System (WCS)”. We build awcs
instance standing for the imaginary telescope we’re using. Then we use thiswcs
to calculate image coordinates of the stars.We need to convert the flux in electron per second to counts given the gain and exposure time. This is easy:
counts = g_flux / gain * exposure_time
.Stars are not a single point on the image. Instead, they are blobs, due to the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the optical system (including the atmosphere). Therefore, we need to build a PSF according to the seeing and scale this PSF to match the total counts of each star.
We will solve these problems one by one. We read the star catalog first. Again, g_flux
is in electron / sec.
from astropy.table import Table
cat ='./simulate_star_cat.fits')
ra | dec | g_flux |
deg | deg | |
float64 | float64 | float32 |
280.00182067676167 | -0.0006054995504625365 | 1.5633024 |
280.00291787552493 | 0.001124410381860149 | 0.5670684 |
280.0004310363741 | -0.003360890132438791 | 0.2738112 |
280.00533847454955 | 0.0009738996826714352 | 0.5869863 |
279.99457484780316 | -0.0020924098806938255 | 0.2795567 |
WCS and image coordinates#
WCS is nicely introduced here. We assume that our “telescope” has a pixel scale of 0.5 arcsec / pixel, and assume the field of view has no distorion.
from astropy import wcs
pixel_scale = 0.5 # arcsec / pix
shape = synthetic_image.shape
# Create a new WCS object. The number of axes must be set from the start
w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
# Pixel coordinate of reference point.
# We set the ref point to be the center of the image.
w.wcs.crpix = [shape[1]/2, shape[0]/2]
# This is the coordinate increment (in deg) at reference point
w.wcs.cdelt = np.array([-pixel_scale / 3600, pixel_scale / 3600])
# This is the RA, Dec of the reference point
w.wcs.crval = [280, 0]
# This is the projection type.
# Since our FOV is quite small, this doesn't matter that much.
w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"]
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 280.0 0.0
CRPIX : 250.0 250.0
PC1_1 PC1_2 : 1.0 0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2 : 0.0 1.0
CDELT : -0.0001388888888888889 0.0001388888888888889
NAXIS : 0 0
We can use the function wcs_world2pix
to convert sky coordinates to pixel coordinates.
xs, ys = w.wcs_world2pix(cat['ra'], cat['dec'], 0)
plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=5)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ff136c20fd0>
Point Spread Function (PSF)#
This is actually a huge topic. Maybe I should write another notebook on this.
We use a Gaussian function to describe the PSF of the “telescope” we use, although the PSF of real telescopes is not precisely Gaussian. The Gaussian function in 2-D is: \(f(x, y) = \frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^2} e^{-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\left[(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2\right]}\). This is a normalized Gaussian function, i.e., \(\int_x \int_y f(x,y)=1\). Although you can write your own implementation, we use astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D
for convenience. As you may notice, for a normalized Gaussian, the amplitude in Gaussian2D
should be \(\frac{1}{2\pi \sigma^2}\).
We know that the width of a Gaussian is described by \(\sigma\). In astronomy, the width of the PSF is often described by its Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM). For a Gaussian function with \(\sigma\), its FWHM is \(2\sqrt{2\ln 2} \sigma \approx 2.355 \sigma\).
Below we show how to inject a normalized Gaussian PSF (i.e., a star whose total count = 1) to an image.
from astropy.modeling.functional_models import Gaussian2D
psf = Gaussian2D()
seeing = 1.5 # arcsec, FWHM of the PSF
sigma = seeing / 2.355 / pixel_scale # sigma of the Gaussian, in pixel
# To evaluate the PSF, we needs a grid of coordinates
# This can be generated using `np.mgrid`
shape = synthetic_image.shape
y, x = np.mgrid[:shape[1], :shape[0]]
single_star = psf.evaluate(x, y,
amplitude=1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma**2),
x_mean=250, y_mean=250,
x_stddev=sigma, y_stddev=sigma, theta=0)
# yeah... a tiny dot.
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff136c6d850>
Let’s cook!#
We have all the ingredients! Let’s glue the above snippets together and write a function to inject stars from the catalog. Please note how we calculate counts from g_flux
and how we sample the Poisson distributions.
def inject_stars(image, star_cat, w, exposure_time=900, gain=2, seeing=1.5):
Inject stars to the input image
image : numpy array
The input image whose shape will be used to generate the output image.
star_cat : astropy table
The catalog of stars to be injected. Must contain columns of 'ra', 'dec', 'g_flux'.
`g_flux` is the flux of the star in the g-band in units of electron / sec.
w : astropy.wcs.WCS
The WCS of the input image.
exposure_time : float, optional
Exposure time of the image, in seconds.
gain : float, optional
Gain of the camera, in units of electrons/ADU.
seeing: float.
FWHM of the PSF, in arcsec.
stars_real : numpy array
The image with stars injected.
shape = image.shape
sigma = seeing / 2.355 / pixel_scale
# sigma of the Gaussian, in pixel
# Convert (RA, Dec) of stars to (x, y) based on the WCS info
xs, ys = w.wcs_world2pix(star_cat['ra'], star_cat['dec'], 0)
# These are the coordinates of each pixel of the image
y, x = np.mgrid[:shape[1], :shape[0]]
# Initialize the PSF
psf = Gaussian2D()
# Again, the counts should follow a Poisson distribution
# We first build an image showing the mean of this Poisson distribution
# Then sample the distribution
counts = star_cat['g_flux'] / gain * exposure_time
# Initialize an empty image
stars_img = np.zeros_like(image)
# Loop over stars
for i, count in enumerate(counts):
stars_img += psf.evaluate(x, y,
amplitude=count / (2 * np.pi * sigma**2),
x_mean=xs[i], y_mean=ys[i],
x_stddev=sigma, y_stddev=sigma, theta=0)
# Sample from Poisson based on the mean counts
stars_real = np.random.poisson(lam=stars_img)
return stars_real
stars_only = inject_stars(synthetic_image, cat, w,
exposure_time=900, gain=2, seeing=1.5)
fig = show_image(stars_only, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Stars only', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Stars only')
# Add everything together
realistic_img = stars_only + sky_only + dark_only + bias_only + noise_im
fig = show_image(realistic_img, cmap='gray', figsize=(10, 10))
fig.set_title('Realistic image at RA = 280 deg, Dec = 0 deg \n exptime = 900 s', fontsize=20)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Realistic image at RA = 280 deg, Dec = 0 deg \n exptime = 900 s')
Interactive demo#
You can play with different combinations of all parameters. Change each of them independently to build intuition on how these parameters affect the final image. You might have to wait a few seconds each time you change the parameters.
This does not run directly on this website. You can download the notebook and run it locally, or run it on Google Colab.
%matplotlib inline
from ipywidgets import interactive, interact
@interact(bias_level=(1000, 1200, 10),
dark=(0.01, 1, 0.01),
sky_counts_per_sec=(0, 3, 0.1),
gain=(0.5, 3.0, 0.1),
read=(0, 50, 2.0),
exposure=(100, 1200, 100),
seeing=(0.5, 3, 0.5)
def complete_image(bias_level=1100, read=10.0, gain=1, dark=0.1,
exposure=300, sky_counts_per_sec=0.3,
synthetic_image = np.zeros([500, 500])
show_image(synthetic_image +
read_noise(synthetic_image, read, gain) +
bias(synthetic_image, bias_level, realistic=True) +
dark_current(synthetic_image, dark, exposure, gain) +
sky_background(synthetic_image, sky_counts_per_sec, exposure, gain) +
inject_stars(synthetic_image, cat, w, exposure, gain, seeing),
figsize=(6, 6))
i = interactive(complete_image,
bias_level=(1000, 1200, 10),
dark=(0.01, 1, 0.01),
sky_counts_per_sec=(0, 3, 0.1),
gain=(0.5, 3.0, 0.1),
read=(0, 50, 2.0),
exposure=(100, 1200, 100),
seeing=(0.5, 3, 0.5)
for kid in i.children:
kid.continuous_update = False
except KeyError:
Discussion: Data generating process#
Symbolically, we simulate our “realistic” image using the following recipe. For a given pixel, the final count is
\( X_{\text{image}} = \text{bias} + X_{\text{read noise}} + X_{\text{dark current}} + X_{\text{sky}} + X_{\text{stars}} \)
Variables denoted as \(X_{?}\) are random variables – these quantities will change if you generate them again.
\(\text{bias}\) is a constant offset. Although it has pixel-to-pixel variation.
\(X_{\text{read noise}} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_{\text{read}}^2)\) is a Gaussian noise
\(X_{\text{dark current}} \sim \mathcal{P}\text{oisson}\,(\lambda_{\text{dark}})\) follows a Poisson distribution. \(\lambda_{\text dark}\) should be in counts. If not, please use
to convert it to counts.\(X_{\text{sky}} \sim \mathcal{P}\text{oisson}\,(\lambda_{\text{sky}})\). Similar to dark current.
\(X_{\text{star}} \sim \mathcal{P}\text{oisson}\,(\lambda_{\text{star}})\). Similar to dark current and sky background.
Therefore, the “noise level” in the final image depends on \(\sigma_{\text{read}}, \lambda_{\text{dark}}, \lambda_{\text{sky}}, \lambda_{\text{star}}\).
Extracting the science photons (i.e. the stars) is in principle a matter of subtraction: \( X_{\text{stars}} = X_{\text{image}} - \text{bias} - X_{\text{dark current}} - X_{\text{sky}} + X_{\text{read noise}} \)
As we showed in this notebook, read noise can be reduced by stacking lots of images.
Also, we have ignored flat fielding throughout this notebook. When considering it, we have \( X_{\text{image}} = \text{bias} + X_{\text{read noise}} + X_{\text{dark current}} + \text{flat} * (X_{\text{sky}} + X_{\text{stars}}). \) Flat fielding is a multiplicative effect.